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Merseyrail units with white doors?????????????????//

This is the latest thing to come out of the depot what next , so far i have seen 507 027 and 508 127 with the doors painted white with actual new doors fitted hence the panel on the inside now with the 2 blue lights at either end , either this is undercoat white or arriva are stamping there mark even more , also we have seen the introduction of the new boards very classy indeed look better than the old one's and the latest news i have is has anyone else seen 507 015 i seen it at rock ferry sunday the 22nd december and i caught a bit of the middle carriage and couldent see through the windows hence the thought that someone has set fire to the inside of it ........

Graffiti attacks again
Its the time of the year again the one were the graffiti artists come out at about 3 am to hit the trains , so far in the past month i have seen the following sets hit
508 111
508 115 ---- visable for a few days without being cleaned
508 124
508 138
507 006
507 013

Its that time to voteeeee along for the best units of the past 12 months this is very similar to james rawlinsons but no i havent stolen the idea lol

best unit -------508 117
worst unit ------508 103
best interior----508 141
worst interior---508 103
best 507---------507 001
worst 507 -------507 027/028
best 508 --------508 114/117
worst 508 -------508 103/104
best ride -------508 125
worst ride ------508 103

most discusting unit of all goes to 508 103 they badly need to sort it , it is a fuc**** terrible mess.